LA Jewish Event Calendar for October 2011


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Jewish Event Calendar for the Week Tues. Sept 13th - Sept. 20th


Monday October 3rd


Avinu Malkeinu - First Annual Night of Awakening (for women)
"Mostly couples" Israeli dancing with Erica Goldman Every Monday 8pm-midnight 2244 Westwood Blvd.
Wednesday October 5th
JBC provides a unique business networking environment and a forum for business education.
Featuring two outstanding speakers in a private home.
Thursday October 6th
Explore Jewish culture through food by dining around LA! NEXT will be discussing the rich Jewish history of Greek and Mediterranean Jews. 
YLD is having our first happy hour since....well since a long time! You do not have to be a member.
Saturday October 8th 
Come enjoy dinner and drinks with Moishe House OC & JewGlue to break the fast after this Yom Kippur.
Sunday October 9th
Help build a Sukkah in preparation for the harvest holiday. Stick around afterward for a relaxing dinner under the stars with good friends, good music, and good vibes
The Heartbeat of Tikkun Olam! Our rabbis teach that when asked upon arrival in the next world...
The Jewish Connection @ the Penthouse at the Huntley Hotel has arrived. Stunning 360º views.
Monday October 10th
Crista Cowan from will focus on using resources to locate your Jewish ancestory.
"Mostly couples" Israeli dancing with Erica Goldman Every Monday 8pm-midnight 2244 Westwood Blvd.
Tuesday October 11th
Putting play in its place
Enjoy Sushi and refreshments, learn in group discussions with dynamic Aish LA Rabbis.
Bring a dairy lunch and join Kenny Ellis, Cantor at Temple Beth Ami in Santa Clarita and The New Shul.
$125 General $100 Skirball Members $75 Full-Time Students Advance registration required.
FREE Advance reservations required (up to four tickets per reservation) 
Opportunities to discover the beauty and meaning of your Jewish heritage, while advancing your business acumen.
Wednesday October 12th
Advance registration required; register on site, online, and by phone. 
Thursday October 13th
Open Door is the highly anticipated new project from Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter India.
Friday October 14th
There’s nothing like the sacred space and fascinating conversation when the women of Wilshire Blvd Temple.
with Rabbi Susan Leider and Cantor Magda Fishman Friday, October 14 7:15 p.m. Celebrate Shabbat.
Let's participate in Temple Ner Maarav's Friday night dinner in the Sukkah - they will have a vegan meal.
Saturday October 15th
Our 8th Year! -Food -Full Bar -Music -Vegas Style Casino -Win an ipad...
Co-sponsored by Temple Beth Am, Kehillat Israel Reconstructionist Congregation and Temple Emanuel.
Sukkot is a holiday of general thanksgiving for the bounty of nature in the year that had passed. 
Sunday October 16th
The Heartbeat of Tikkun Olam! Our rabbis teach that when asked upon arrival in the next world...
Israel for a Cure: AIDS Walk Los Angeles. Join our team. (PLEASE CONFIRM ALL TIMES AND DETAILS.)
Head to Santa Monica for a day of fun with The W Group at the Annenberg Beach House.
It is a Party with Food and Entertainment. It is a Celebration of the Fall Harvest.
The public is invited to an opening and free reception to “meet the artists” behind the work.
American Jewish University (AJU) announced today that they will join fifty other local galleries.
Daniel Pearl World Music Day Concert VIKLARBO Chamber Ensemble.
Monday October 17th
"Mostly couples" Israeli dancing with Erica Goldman Every Monday 8pm-midnight 2244 Westwood Blvd.
Tuesday October 18th
Margaritas, Mexikosher Mexican food. A spicy fiesta in the sukkah-casa with our hot Israeli fellows.
Jews and non-Jews are welcome to attend this 18 session class for those seeking to live fuller Jewish lives.
Enjoy Sushi and refreshments, learn in group discussions with dynamic Aish LA Rabbis.
Ruth is a Real Housewife of some renown – she’s one of only two women to have a book of the Bible named after her.
Thursday October 20th
Join us October 20 - 26, as we sample Israeli wines, explore historical sites, listen to music, cel... more
Friday October 21st 
Soul Sounds Shabbat has been a smashing success from its inception in 2004 Our new and improved...
Sunday October 23rd 
The Heartbeat of Tikkun Olam! Our rabbis teach that when asked upon arrival in the next world...
We invite you to join us on the Los Angeles Community Mission to Israel from October 23 - November 1
Come join former Congressional Staff Members as they parody their prior places of employment.
Monday October 24th
"Mostly couples" Israeli dancing with Erica Goldman Every Monday 8pm-midnight 2244 Westwood Blvd.
Tuesday October 25th
Dancing Through Obstacles: Tools To Help Your Children Overcome Adversity With Zippora Karz
Gil Garcetti, former Los Angeles District Attorney, will discuss his passions.
Esther is a true rags to (fabulous) riches story, with an incredibly dangerous twist. 
Enjoy Sushi and refreshments, learn in group discussions with dynamic Aish LA Rabbis.
Wednesday October 26th
Jews and non-Jews are welcome to attend this 18 session class for those seeking to live fuller Jewish lives.
Thursday October 27th
Jon Dobrer, back by popular demand, will be teaching 7 classes on the "Current of Current Events
Mixer - Elan Hotel
Friday October 28th
COST- $200/all-inclusive. JOIN OUR HI-HO CHOIR! rehearsals mondays 7:30pm. call Cantor Linda Rich.
Sunday October 30th
The Heartbeat of Tikkun Olam! Our rabbis teach that when asked upon arrival in the next world...
Michael Levine will moderate a panel of prominent religious leaders on the question of good and evil.
Celebrate Halloween with JewGlue! We're getting together to watch a not too scary.
Monday October 31st
Ken Blady will lecture on the Jews of Poland, which will include Lithuania and Ukraine.
"Mostly couples" Israeli dancing with Erica Goldman Every Monday 8pm-midnight 2244 Westwood Blvd.



"Billy Joel on his Jewish roots"- Video


With over 150 million records sold worldwide, the "Piano Man" is widely considered one of the greatest music artists of all-time.
While Billy Joel's Jewish lineage is well documented, back on June 4, 1995 in a concert in Nuremberg, Germany, Joel discussed his Jewish origins, his upbringing and family life with his audience.


To watch the video, click on the image below:





Jewish Event Calendar for the Week Tues. Sept 13th - Sept. 20th


Tuesday, September 13th

SBA Lunch
With Helen, there's no cookie-cutter, heard-it-all-before presentation. No jargon. No dull lectures.
Israeli Folk Dancing
$7, $5 Students All Ages Welcome Every Tuesday 7:30 pm - Lessons for Beginners.

High Holidays Valley House Party
High Holy Day Preparation with IKAR LA. High Holy days are a marathon...


Tuesday's at Morry's
Enjoy Sushi and refreshments, learn in group discussions with dynamic Aish LA Rabbis.



Wednesday, September 14th

Business Networking Event with David Shore, Creator of "House"
Join David Shore, Emmy award winning Executive Producer.


Pre Rosh Hashana MANSION MIXER!
Featuring Sushi, Scotch, Assorted Spirits (& Spirituality!) as we prepare for the holidays in STYLE!


Thursday, September 15th


Join SWU YP and the entire young, pro-Israel community.


Women of Achievement Luncheon
Proceeds benefit Israel's largest and most advanced pediatric cancer center.


Swanky Happy Hour
JewGlue's next happy hour is at Newport Beach's swankiest new location.
Westwood Kehilla Dinner of Honor
Honor Adam and Sharon Goldman & Shahram and Kerrie Zamanzadeh.

GesherCity Bar Night!
Our monthy bar night is coming up!   

High Holidays Eastside House Party
High Holy Day Preparation with IKAR LA. High Holy days are a marathon.  



Friday, September 16th

Special "Shabbos in Israel" Friday Night Meal
Now is the time to start reaching out both in person AND via your network.


Luxurious Beach Resort Getaway with Aish

Our end of summer Aish Kodesh weekend getaway is here. 
Nefesh Minyan
We look forward to celebrating Shabbat with a musical service led by Josh Friedman.


"Dinner for 60 Strangers" (60 singles or 30 couples)
A delicious home cooked Shabbat meal with freshly baked whole wheat Challah.


Saturday, September 17th

Shabbat Mix N Match 2011
Each Shabbat table will have old friends and new faces.


Sunday, September 18th

Orange County Yiddish Festival 
Activities explore the history of the Yiddish language & dynamics current worldwide renaissance.


Volunteer with ORT College Extreme Paint-Over
ORT College facilities interior paint has faded and in need of a make-over.
Hillel Charity Concert Series feat. MATISYAHU w/Special Guests Zadik!!
Experience great music for a good cause!!! MATISYAHU w/ Special Guests ZADIK performing.
Volunteer to Harvest Fruit for Local Food Pantries
Help Food Forward to harvest excess fruit to be donated to local food pantries across LA.
Centennial Men's Night Out
We invite you to join us for Centennial Men's Night Out at Exchange LA. 
KEN SPIRO live in LA!
A Nation that Dwells Alone-Why does the whole world pick on tiny Israel?


Tuesday, September 20th


Israeli Folk Dancing
$7, $5 Students All Ages Welcome Every Tuesday 7:30 pm - Lessons for Beginners.

Laws and Customs of Rosh Hashanah
A FREE class with Rabbi Avrohom Czapnik to prepare you for Rosh Hashana



"The Onion on 9/11"- Video


'9/11 Conspiracy Theories Ridiculous' - Al Qaeda

To watch the video, click on the image below:




Jewish Event Calendar for the Week


Tuesday Sept. 6th

Luncheon Meeting - Jewish Business Network:

Featured Speaker: Gini Warner, MA Clinical Nutritionist & Chef Ross Harris...more

AJC Social Media Soiree
Social Media has quickly become a integral part of our society: from culture to news... more 

Jewish Executive Leadership Speakers Series
The Jewish Graduate Student Initiative (JGSI) provides opportunities for Jewish graduate students... more

Israeli Folk Dancing
$7, $5 Students All Ages Welcome Every Tuesday 7:30 pm - Lessons for Beginners 8:00 to 9pm... more   

Heaven, Hell, and Laughter
Join speaker Ron Wolfson for "The Seven Questions You're Asked in Heaven," part one of a three-part ... more


Wednesday Sept. 7th

Passionate Pioneers: Yiddish Secular Education i
Author and educator Fradle Pomerantz Freidenreich recounts the rarely told story of Yiddish secular ... more

JBC Business Networking Schmooze
JBC provides a unique business networking environment and a forum for business education with a spir... more


Public Attitudes About Security Threats
A provocative evening with Democratic Pollster Pat Caddell and Republican Pollster John McLaughlin exploring...more

Thursday Sept. 8th

Community Briefing with Avi Issacharoff

This fall, our community will witness a critical and uncertain moment in Israeli history. As you may... more


LimmudLA at Angel City Brewing
Enjoy an evening of schmoozing, and a half hour learning session with veteran Limmudnik Marcus Freed... more
Jewish Profesionals of Los Angeles Dinner

A place where Jewish professionals can get together to discuss meaningful topics...more


Friday Sept. 9th

Young Professional Friday Night Dinner #2

We are on our way to having a thriving young Jewish community in Los Angeles!..more

100 Shabbat Celebrations
Sign-up to host one of 100 Shabbat Celebrations. Honor Shabbat and the Jewish Fede... more

What's So Jewish About Hollywood?
Jewish Journal writer Danielle Berrin will speak...more

Saturday Sept. 10th

Game Night!
Come join us for drinks, snacks and games: Taboo, Apples to Apples, Trivial Pursuit...more

Live Band Karaoke Party
Don't you wish YOU were up there sometimes? That the IKAR Band would spontaneously break out...more

Sunday Sept. 11th 

Auction, & Evening of Entertainment

Celebrating thirteen years of service, proceeds go toward completing the "The Shul Under the Stars" more


KOREH L.A. Volunteer Training Session
Looking for a great volunteer opportunity? Do you love reading and helping children? ... more

FREE Hebrew Reading Classes this summer!
If you have never read Hebrew, but would like to learn, these classes are for you... more

Scarf Painting Party
Come spend a summer day making your own wearable art! At this beautiful event, held on Sunday, Sept... more


"Prisoner of Her Past" Film & Discussion
Part two of a three interactive event titled "Heaven, Hell, and Laughter." The award-winning documen... more


Judaism: Keys to Morality

A FREE series with Rabbi Avrohom Czapnik based on Ethics of Our Fathers. The timeless wisdom of our Rabbis will change your daily life! more
9/11 Commemoration - 10 Year Anniversary

Please join us with your family, friends, or house of worship to light a candle and read aloud the name of every victim...more

Tuesday Sept. 13th
SBA Lunch

With Helen, there's no cookie-cutter, heard-it-all-before presentation. No jargon. No dull lectures...more
Israeli Folk Dancing
$7, $5 Students All Ages Welcome Every Tuesday 7:30 pm - Lessons for Beginners...more


High Holidays Valley House Party
High Holy Day Preparation with IKAR LA. High Holy days are a marathon; don't attempt without warm... more




In this issue

 Story of the Week

 LA Events Calendar

 Featured Event

 Kesher Updates

The "Date Happy" Seminar Series

Mission Statement:

To create a more respectful, efficient and meaningful dating experience leading to happy marriages. 


This will be accomplished with short, vibrant classes which use Ancient Jewish wisdom, well known current
psychology and popular film clips. 


Classes are small to allow for more intimate communication with participants and teachers.


Kesher Updates

Kesher Events:

August 30th

Women's Monthly Gathering


Sept. 1st

"Defending Israel: Impeaching the Lies"


Kesher Deal of the Week:

Spend $9.00, and through an anonymous matching donor, provide $18 to the Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund.

We have all been deeply affected by Leiby's tragic passing and many of us want desperately to do some good in his name but aren't quite sure how to go about it.
Fortunately, the Kletzky family has created this fund in Leiby's honor as a way to do good for the community and hopes to raise one million dollars. With your donation to the fund, thousands of others will benefit. 
Click here for more info.

Featured Event 





Under the Chuppah:

Wedding Planning & Coordinating Services


"Day of Coordination" Special of $1500 includes coordinator, assistant & walk through at venue.


Other wedding packages and deals available @



Fighting for America


Secret soldiers who fought Nazis emerge from shadows.

NBC’s Bob Dotson shares the story of a group of German-born Jewish soldiers who were a part of a secret World War II mission and dubbed “The Ritchie Boys.”

For the full story, click on the image below:



Jewish Event Calendar for the week


Tuesday August 30th

Kesher's Monthly Women's Hang Out Session
Hope to see you there and feel free to bring your girl friends...more


Israeli Folk Dancing 
$7, $5 Students All Ages Welcome Every Tuesday 7:30 pm - Lessons for Beginners 8:00 to 9:0... more
Wednesday August 31st
Guardians’ Young Division Pre-Labor Day Mixer
Open Bar From 7-8pm & DJ from 7-11pm, Rooftoop open until 1am...more
Rabbi Eli Mansour in LA-
"THE STRUGGLE COUNTS" @ Congregation Mogen David...more
Strangers no More Screening
Do you think that cinema has an influence on the international political arena? more
Thursday September 1st
"Defending the State of Israel: Impeaching the lies"
The Jewish state of Israel stands wrongfully accused in the courtroom of public opinion...more
Open Mic Night
The curtains are drawn. The lights are dim. And the mic awaits your talent. ..more
Rabbi Eli Mansour in LA
"WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO SAY?" @ Torat Hayim...more 
Friday September 2nd
Roxbury Shabbat - Back to Shul Night
Roxbury Park 5:45pm Bring Your Own Veggie Picnic 7:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat...more
Country Shabbat! 
Grab your cowboy boots and join us for a country themed Shabbat! In case there is any confusion... more
Tuesday September 6th

Travel Book Reading & Signing - Rachel Friedman

Author of "The Good Girl's Guide to Getting Lost: A Memoir of Three Continents, Two Friends, and One Unexpected Adventure"...more

Featured Event/ Event of the Week


"Defending Israel: Impeaching the lies"

The Jewish State of Israel stands wrongfully accused in the courtroom of public opinion. Armed with lies, blood libels, distortions and classic anti-Semitic canards, the legion of Israel-bashers continues to grow at an alarming rate. 

Employing his trademark trial skills, civil trial attorney Baruch Cohen of Los Angeles will defend against this vicious assault cogently, effectively and irrefutably and will discuss why making the case for Israel is more critical than ever. Mr. Cohen's power-point presentation impeaching the 10 lies of the Palestinians is powerful and compelling. 
When: September 1st from 8pm - 10pm
Where: Morry's - 9118 W.Pico Blvd.
Click here for more info.